Creating a new you in 2022…

2022…For some people it has already been a year of new energy, new endeavors and creating a new and improved you. For some people it has been a feeling of more of the same with renewed challenges, renewed fear and renewed doubt about how to move forward.

As we continue to navigate these times, give yourself the space and the grace to go within and commune with your soul. Its wisdom will help guide you on your path to finding your true purpose. Many of us have lost the connection with our soul’s compass and have taken many different paths that have steered us away from our true north. It’s time for us to start moving in the direction that is truly meant to help us reconnect with our destiny, our divine energy and the God of our hearts. When we reach this destination point, this is when we will experience TRUE happiness.

Take a moment now to tune into your TRUE happiness compass. Bring your awareness to your heart space, take a couple deep breaths and ask yourself the questions below.

Am I maintaining healthy, happy relationships? Am I happy with my career? Am I doing everything to maintain a healthy body? Am I feeding my spirit and soul daily?

Once you have answered these questions, reflect on the things that are holding you back from achieving true happiness and decide if they need to be completely released from your energy space or reworked to create something new.

Am I holding on to fear of the unknown? Am I anxious about starting something new? Am I holding on to the loss of someone or something that cannot be replaced?

Then think of the things that you need to attract into your life to help you achieve your goals and open yourself up to receiving these things…with no effort.

Do I need more love or someone to love in my life? Do I want to learn how to be more peaceful in my interactions? Do I need to restore balance in my energy space? Do I want to learn how to let go?

Give yourself permission to receive the abundant blessings that are available to you at any moment to help support you on your path.

No matter where you are in your journey, know that you are not alone and are fully capable of achieving all of the goals that you have set for yourself as you work towards attaining TRUE happiness.

Love and Light Always!

If you feel like you need additional support, please feel free to contact us directly at


The 3 L’s: Navigating these times of change