Creating a new reality

2020…what a year.  From the countless deaths from the pandemic, to the senseless killings of black people in our communities that have sparked protests, to the spotlight on ineffective leadership around the globe that has led to rallies for changes in our government systems, this year has caused humanity to run the gamut of all the emotions that one can experience in a lifetime. We have felt sadness, anger, pain, hopelessness, anxiety, depression, grief and a range of other emotions that have caused us to question our existence and our reality. When looking at all of the events that are currently occurring it is worth considering how all this ties in to the process of building a better and brighter future for humanity and a new world for us to truly thrive as spirit beings having a human experience.

Before 2020, we functioned as separate entities. Individuals were focused on their individual success, countries were focused on their own growth, and as a planet we were more alienated than ever before. When the pandemic started, we were forced into quarantine with ourselves and our families which allowed us to go within ourselves to look for answers and reconnect with the essence of who we are.  There were hashtags that overwhelmed our social media with #togetheralone #wearealltogether #changeisnecessary #lifeisprecious, which began a movement of unity, support and understanding of the importance of community. This was the first step in reconnecting with and waking up to our humanity.

Then over the next couple weeks we witnessed the senseless killings of 2 black men in our community, Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd that sparked protests, not only in the United States but around the world in ways that we have never seen before.  From the United Kingdom, to New Zealand to China, people in countries around the world are coming together again as a global community in support of our black communities and changing for the better.  Social media has been flooded with #blacklivesmatter hashtags as individuals and corporations unite to show solidarity for our black community, and people are starting to have real conversations around the issues that have plagued African Americans for centuries. 

There have been countless calls on our government leaders to change the policies that foster environments of discrimination, segregation and hate.  People are also recognizing the importance of having equal and fair systems in place, so we can govern our communities and our countries with policies that are harmonious and uplifting for everyone. Even corporations are taking a closer look at their own internal policies, diversity and the way that they conduct business so that they can make a better impact for their employees, clients and communities. This is the second step in reconnecting with and waking up to our humanity.

We are in the midst of our journey to creating a new and better world for us to continue to enlighten and support our HUMAN race.  As we continue on this path it is important to remember that the future that we want to see begins in our mind’s eye so we must focus on the energy that we want to see manifested for all of us.  Here are some of the things that we recommend for you to do in support of these efforts.

-        Be resilient. We have a long road ahead of us so during your meditation, prayers or quiet times ask the God of your heart to give you the strength to endure these times of change.

-        Love One Another. Love is the foundation of our being and it is the way to maintain harmony and respect for each other. Bring love into your hearts each and every day and share that gift with others so this energy can flow through the hearts of humanity.

-        Vote. Choose leaders that will support policies of equality, justice, non-discrimination and restoring the fabric of our morals and values throughout our local and global communities.

-        Support. We are in this together and in order for us to rebuild our societal bonds we must seek to understand our neighbors, embrace our differences and help each other through tough physical and emotional times.

There are countless other ways for us to manifest a better future for our humanity, and over the next couple months we will be sharing our stories of empowerment and tips for enlightenment, so we hope you continue to journey with us as we create our new reality.

Love and light always!


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