Today I breathed a sigh of hope…
Today I breathed a sigh of hope…
A sigh…because a life, a human life, a life full of breath was taken from this Earth and to some people that life belonging to George Floyd did not matter. I sighed because so many other black lives have been taken with such disregard for the “matter” that made up these wonderful human beings. They were viewed in the same ways that sheep and cattle are seen, as workers that plow the fields and till the soil and slave away to feed the desires of those who are seen as powerful but are scared to lose their power. Though many of the physical cuffs that we saw throughout history have been abandoned, they have been replaced with mind cuffs to control the capability of mental motivation of those still willing to believe that they are not worthy of the breath in their body.
Today I breathed a sigh of relief because from birth we have carried the fear of not only US being perceived as a threat and losing our lives, but the fear that our children will grow up in a society where the cycle of senseless deaths may one day touch their lives as they walk in the neighborhood, go to the corner store or play in the park. These fears have been passed on through our ancestral DNA, and for too long we have continued to pass along these incapacitating genes that alter our mindset and make us feel like we don’t matter. Today that fear has been replaced by an energy so powerful that it gives us the freedom to shape the landscape of our future…the energy of what’s possible.
Today I breathed a sigh of hope…because I have always believed that we can create a better home for our future generations. The foundation has been laid for the new life that we will be building ahead. Brick by brick we will continue to work to create better systems and as we build our new homes remember to:
- Build the walls of our home to protect us from any threats that aim to harm our sanctuary.
- Allow the electricity to bring light to our homes to remind us that where there is light, darkness cannot enter.
- Install the plumbing to allow the positive flow of energy to enter our homes and keep us nourished, as it flushes the negative energy out of our “temples”.
- Most importantly allow the air of creation and collaboration to circulate throughout your home so we can work together to breathe life into our human families and connections, as we remember the value of each person’s breath.
Today I breathe and honor that breath in memory of those that couldn’t breathe.
Read Creating A New Reality for more ways for us to manifest a better future for our humanity